Wednesday 11 August 2010

Visitors from Manchester

My sister Rhodelle, her husband Carl and their two beautiful girls arrived on Tuesday afternoon from Manchester via Dublin.  This was the first time our girls ever spent much time with 1st cousins from my side of the family and they hit it off instantly.  BFF's for ever I think!

Later in the day we walked into town for a bit of sight seeing, some ice cream for the girls and then the obligatory visit to the Greyhound for some black ice cream for the adults.  Dinner was a big Italian feast after which the girls all went to bed and the adults did some catching up over some nice wine on the patio in front of a nice roaring fire in the chiminea.  

It was a slow start for all of us on Wednesday morning which involved a lot of coffee a big Clonakilty breakfast followed by some sight seeing to the Old head of Kinsale  and then back into the town and onto Sumercove for yet another Bulman visit.   Dinner on Thursday will be a "Moong Dal Curry" which Rhodelle and Carl are cooking for us as I type this.  Pretty sure it will be very good as their curry is always good.   They brought us a massive box of every conceivable Indian spice and ingredient from Manchester's "Curry Mile" so we are very well setup for great Indians for a long time.  Thanks Rhodelle and Carl, and thanks so much for visiting us and for the big box of Indian goodies!  Come again anytime!

Old Head

Making homemade pizza

Not bad for a 7 year old!