Monday 6 June 2011

1 Year back in Ireland....

Can you believe we are back a year?   Seems like we have been back forever as life in Kinsale just seems so normal to us now.  The girls are settling in brilliantly at school and already speak Irish better than me.  They also have so many nice friends and Gwen knows half the town.

So a year later do we have any regrets?  Answer is definitely not.   I sometimes get taken aback re-reading old posts seeing so active and fun the year was for us and at same time feel that we have not scratched the surface.  Ireland for such a small place has so many things and places we still need to explore and the continent is just a stones throw away with many more foreign trips in the works.  

I think my blog postings however are going to slow down dramatically now as we try settle into normal life again.    We really do appreciate you reading the posts and all the well wishes (the site has had nearly 15,000 hits!).  We are also getting ready and so really looking forward to the next round of visitors over the summer. 

It has been a very good year!

As always a few recent pictures follow...
Rape Seed growing behind our house (we have been cooking with Rape Seed oil - it's really good)

The girls.

testing out their new wet suits 

Boating on the Bandon river


First time ever making fresh pasta. 

Anna won 2nd prize at an art competition at the Belgooly horse show on Sunday

Nice looking Jag.

Belgooly Horse Show


I hope they come off!

Our famous artist!