Monday 2 May 2011

A week away in Grand Canaria......

The girls had a two weak break from school over Easter so we packed up and headed to sunny Grand Canaria off the Coast of Africa.  We really did not need to go anywhere for good weather as Ireland has been been unseasonable warm and dry.  It was the driest April in 50 years with just a 10th of normal rainfall which adds to all the other odd weather months since arriving back including the coldest December ever, hottest June in 60 years and wettest July in 40!    

Grand Canaria is part of the Canary Islands and landscape wise is not that interesting but weather wise it is fantastic.  Lovely mid 20's (Celsius) days with really no humidity so very pleasant indeed.  Perfect for lazy days reading by the pool sipping "Tropical beer" (which is quite decent!) while our girls enjoyed the freedom and made numerous "BFFs" from all over Europe.  The most important event was the kids gathering each evening for the "Kids Disco" which was so cute to see.

This Island was the location where spaghetti westerns like the "The Good,the Bad and the ugly" were made so that will give you an idea on what the landscape looks like.  Flight time direct from our local Cork airport was about 3 1/2 hours.

We are all home again relaxed, tanned and ready for school although Gwen is already working on the next trip! 

Great few weeks and as always some photos follow.....

Sunset over the Atlantic

Glass lift to the beach

Glass lift to the beach

Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria

Our hotel

Dinner at Oscars (Easter Sunday night)

Air Sea Rescue in front of the hotel

My lovely wife

The girls








No fear of water after a few days

Hotel View

Hotel View

New BFF from Kildare