Thursday, 8 July 2010

Thursday 8th July 2010

Lost count on number of days but day 3 in new house. It is raining and
has not stopped raining all day. Girls however are happy to be
indoors with all their toys, books, wii and dvds since they have been
without them for so long. Gwen and I spent all day unpacking with
still lots to do. House is enormous but has no closet space so that
is our biggest challenge.

Part of the shipment was a few cases of Italian tomatoes from Jimmy's
in Dallas so I cooked up two big pots of our famous marinara most of
which is now feezing away in the freezer. Last night I also cranked
up my new grill \ bbq for first time and cooked chicken thighs, lamb,
sausages and roasted new spuds. All done outdoors and delicous if I
do not mind saying!

So other than unpacking, cooking and shopping noting else to report.
I did order broadband for the house today so should be on line
properly in about a week or two. We will also have a land line number
by then too.

That's all for now.

Sent from my mobile device
